
Shoptalk: American Farriers Journal Announces Two Promotions

New assignments were announced in mid August for two members of the American Farriers Jour­nal (AFJ) team.

Jeremy McGovern takes on the additional duties as publisher of the world’s leading equine hoof-care publication. He also serves as the publication’s executive editor and conference director of the International Hoof-Care Summit.

Jeff Cota takes on the duties of managing editor after serving 2½ years as the publication’s associate editor.

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Making And Applying A Double Nail Package

By going through his process and reasons for use, Hall Of Fame farrier Bud Willimon explains how this package can benefit show horses
Hall Of Fame Horseshoer Bud Willimon has spent about 60 years working with Saddlebreds, Morgans and Hackney ponies. “In all that time, I learned there is nothing new,” he reasons. “Just things are new to those who haven’t tried it.”
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Shoeing for a Living

A FIERCE Passion for Helping Horses

California farrier enjoys the rewards of therapeutic shoeing
“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” Helena famously des­­cribed Hermia this way in A Mid­sum­mer’s Night Dream. In fact, since William Shakespeare’s words first were uttered on stage in the late 1500s, it’s been used countless times to describe people and things. When Placerville, Calif., farrier Marijke Ellert opens up her rig, the quote is there for all to see, emblazoned on the back wall. The word “FIERCE” is prominent by appearing in all capital letters.
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Explore The World’s Largest Online Hoof-Care Library

More and more readers are recognizing that is the largest library of hoof-care information available anywhere on the internet. In the past 6 months, AFJ has seen a 71% increase in website page views. While our vast online library includes decades of articles from the pages of AFJ, it also offers a wealth of valuable footcare knowledge that’s exclusively published for you at
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