
Joe Trhlik

Running With The Rules

Racetrack farriers need to know not just what horse they’re shoeing, but where and how he’ll be competing

 There's more to being a racetrack farrier than being able to shoe a horse for maximum speed and performance. 

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Research Journal

Researchers from the United Kingdom measured the seasonal incidence of tying-up (exertional rhabdomyolysis) in polo horses in the United States and England and tried to identify factors related to the disease.
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First AFA Horse-Owner Clinic A Success, More Planned

The first horse-owner clinic sponsored by the American Farrier’s Association (AFA) was a great success. It was held at Applewood Farm in Alpharetta, Ga., during early June. AFA President Craig Trnka did an excellent job discussing basic anatomy and physiology before an audience of about 45 horse owners and 10 farriers.
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A Reader's Viewpoint

The Evolution Of Hoof Protection Products

The basic scientific principles are as valid today as they were many years ago
For centuries, man has seen the wisdom of coating horses’ hooves with various substances for protection and to maintain flexibility. Pine tar, paraffin, oils and salves have been passed from one generation to the next with varying degrees of success.
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Vet's Corner

What To Watch For When Reading Radiographs

Farriers can help their business, and the horse, by utilizing X-rays
To completely understand the ins and outs of a radiograph, you’d have to spend the better part of the next 4 years at a reputable college. But, as a farrier, you can use radiographs to your advantage if you know the basics of what to look for on the X-ray.
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Shop Talk

Farrier Conferencing Goes Online!

Featuring a half dozen educators and 12 hours of conference sessions, the Online Farrier and Hoofcare Conference will help you pick up plenty of new ideas via the Internet without leaving home later on this fall.
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Welcome To Sensational Salt Lake City

While time is of the essence during the AFA convention, try to schedule a few hours to check out these attractions
No one is saying skip all of the informative lectures and sessions at the American Farrier’s Association (AFA) convention in Salt Lake City, Utah, from Feb. 26 to March 1, 2003, but you should treat yourself to some of the treasures that Utah has to offer.
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