
Shop Talk

International Hoof-Care Summit “Outstanding Presentation Awards” Announced

Four presentations have been designated as the "Best of the Best" from the inaugural International Hoof-Care Summit, held in Cincinnati in February 2004. Based on the evaluations of Summit attendees, four individuals are being recognized for the outstanding quality, depth and overall presentation of their material in contributing to hoof-care education at the International Hoof-Care Summit.
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Online With The Farriers' Forum

Too Old To Learn Farriery?

I'm a 37-year old woman who spent her younger years (until the age of 20) with horses. I went "astray" for awhile, but would like to rekindle my love for horses and try my hand at being a farrier. Is it feasible to begin learning farrier skills now with the objective of a career change? I would love nothing better than to work with horses full time, but am wondering if I'm  indulging little more than a pipe dream.
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Celebrate Your Career

Beyond enjoying the national recognition of your chosen profession, use National Farriers Week 2004 to reflect on your career…and make plans to keep it advancing

JUST AS WITH any other job, there are surely those frustrating days when you ask yourself, “Why did I get myself into this?”

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Danny Ward
Modifying Keg Shoes

Smooth Out Those Crinkles

When cold shoeing, be sure your modifications don’t leave a potentially damaging scar in the shoe
It might be the simplest keg shoe modification of all. You check the fit of a shoe against a hoof and find out it’s just a shade wide.
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International Hoof-Care Summit

$5,696 Of New Shoeing Ideas

That’s the average value attendees placed on the knowledge gained from speakers and networking at the first International Hoof-Care Summit

WITH HUNDREDS OF valuable farrier ideas presented at the first International Hoof-Care Summit, attendees definitely took home plenty of solid ideas they say will pay off big time.

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