Hoof-Care 101

A Tale of Two Days, But Different Responsibilities

Success or failure as an apprentice has as much to do with your attitude as how you perform.
You may struggle to find clients when you are starting out. Your area may lack the number of potential clients to sustain your practice. Perhaps you lack the skill, experience and confidence to work with clients on your own. Whatever the reason, you may consider working as an apprentice when you launch your career.
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10 Tips for Recession-Proofing Your Business

Even when times are good, you need to be getting ready for when they are not. Prepare for an economic downturn by implementing good business practices to help ensure your farrier business's survival. Here are few of the most important ideas to help recession-proof your shoeing practice.
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Putting Your Money to Work: Saving the Smart Way

Develop a plan to keep from living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Many farriers' idea of "saving" money is to hoard just enough to buy the new forge that they can't live without. If they would only properly invest a few dollars a month, this type of paycheck-to-paycheck living would be a thing of the past. How do you properly invest money? Here are a few smart ways to invest.
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Bookkeeping And Maintaining Solid Business Records

Dedicate yourself to a system that fits your business style.
It's been said that horseshoeing is a necessary evil, but the same can be said about farrier accounting. The thought of sitting down to do my bookwork is about as appealing to me as working on an old broodmare in a muddy lot. If you find it an equally distasteful subject, it is essential to make keeping your books as easy and efficient as possible.
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Get the Tools and Supplies You Need

You get what you pay for with high-quality tools, but you can find good tools at lower prices.
If you've just finished hoof-care school, no one needs to tell you about the financial commitment you've made to your education. You paid for your school, housing, food and more. Unless you have an apprenticeship lined-up or know several people who need farriers, it's going to take a while to develop a business and steady income.
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What To Do, What To Avoid When Getting Started

Clients will expect you to know much more about horses than just the feet.
Starting any career is no easy task and that's certainly the case for new horseshoeing school graduates. After a few weeks or months of schooling on the equine foot, you'll quickly realize that you don't have all the answers or the confidence needed to succeed.
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Building Healthy Relationships With Clients and Equine Professionals

Trainers see your clients’ horses every day — tap into that expertise.
Farriers have a tendency to live and work in a cave. The "going-it-alone" mentality may cause you to forget the clients, other farriers, veterinarians and trainers that make up your business or help it run smoothly. Not only should you make it a point to strengthen these critical relationships, you should make it a top priority.
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Graduation Doesn’t Mean Your Hoof-Care Learning is Over

Seek out experts who will share their knowledge.
There are few occupations that I know of which give a practitioner the same feeling of accomplishment that teaching farriery does. Granted, the only things I have done since high school have been shoeing horses, some time in the Army and teaching farriery since 1992. So you have to understand that I have a somewhat biased view on this subject.
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Developing and Maintaining Your Hoof-Care Business Plan

Recognize your worth and know how to set your prices.
I believe that the difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people work on a vision of their lives every day. Successful people create their lives actively, while unsuccessful people passively wait to see where their lives take them.
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