Items Tagged with 'University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine'



Farriers are Key for Laminitis Early Detection

University of Pennsylvania veterinarian James Orsini offers laminitis early detection and management tips
Laminitis is one of the most dreaded equine diseases. Many horses affected by it eventually develop severe or chronic lameness. Dr. James Orsini, former director of the Laminitis Institute at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine’s New Bolton Center, is well-acquainted with the disease.
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Shop Talk: AFA Convention “Best In 10 Years”

The American Farrier’s Association Annual Convention, held in early March in Arlington, Texas, was one of the most successful in recent memory with 609 attendees, says outgoing AFA President Jon Johnson. “It might be our best convention in 10 years,” he says.
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Penn Vet's New Bolton Center
News & Notes

Robot-Driven Equine Imaging System Opens New Avenues for Discovery

Even those who have never had a CT scan are likely familiar with the process, which often entails a slow journey through a narrow tube. Given that the experience can elicit feelings of claustrophobia in human adults, it’s easy to imagine how complicated it can be to perform the same procedure on a 1,400-pound horse.
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Local Association Spotlight

New Bolton Names Laminitis Researcher

University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine to focus funds, efforts on causes and treatments of the condition

Dr. Hannah Galantino-Homer has been appointed senior research investigator of the newly created laminitis research initiative at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She will serve as a leading investigator in Penn Vet’s laminitis research efforts.

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Lead Art

Cushing's Vs. Laminitis

In horses suffering from both laminitis and Cushingʼs disease, abnormal distribution of fat is the most common clinical sign

When it comes to determining the most common cause of laminitis, a recently completed study at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine places equine Cushing’s disease right at the top of the list.

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