American Farriers Journal


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December 2017

Volume: 43
Edition: 8

American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.

  • Table Of Contents

    Table Of Contents

    Frankly Speaking: How Regulation May Arrive

    When discussing licensing and regulation of an industry in the United States, farriers often think of direct oversight — a government-approved agency to pass rules specific for the trade. This is a reality affecting a minority of farriers, such as certain states requiring track shoers to carry a license.
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    Reader Commentary: Dec. 2017

    Horse Owner Perspective: Work As A Team For Safety After reading your website article on the farrier who died on the job (“Wrongful Death Ruling Empowers Farriers,”, I wanted to say that my staff and I take responsibility for handling and controlling the horse for the farrier.
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    How The Hoof Reveals Stress

    While horses’ hooves undergo a lot of stress, appropriate farriery and a return to the functional foot model can help deal with signs of stress
    Most people have experienced sore, aching feet at one point or another in their lives. After all, a 200-pound person exerts approximately 20 pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure on the ground.
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    Are You Punching Better Nail Holes?

    Veteran farriers share techniques to avoid sheared nails and preserve tools
    Whether you’re forging a horseshoe from bar stock or modifying a factory-made shoe, the nail holes you punch are critical. The holes help determine whether the nails hold until the next shoeing and, when necessary, avoid flaws in a less-than-perfect hoof.
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    Bringing the Hoof to Scientific Research

    AFA Research Committee offers tips to make literature easier to understand
    When paging through farriery texts that are more than a century old, readers will note that much of the knowledge that’s contained within is not so different than what is taught today.
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    Considerations for Using Alternative Materials for Managing Leverage

    The thought process for addressing leverage concerns with modern materials requires gathering information and not limiting imagination
    As farriers, we know that when making shoeing choices for the horse, man­aging leverage — adding or subtracting leverage biomechanically — is part of that decision making process. We have many appliance options available to achieve our goals.
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    What Causes Club Feet?

    Hall Of Fame farrier Doug Butler examines why flexure limb deformities develop and how to prevent and manage them
    The characteristics of a flexure limb deformity, commonly referred to as club foot, are easy to identify. Growth rings are wider at the heel, the toe is usually dished, the hoof is high on the heel and the coffin joint axis is broken forward. Radiographs often reveal that the coffin bone is deformed or remodeled. But what causes it?
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    From the AFJ Archives: December 2017

    December 1993 — High Nails VS Low Nails
    1993 ARTICLE OVERVIEW This was a succinct illustrated piece created by North Carolina farrier Donald Jones in 1993. In it, he questions whether keeping horses on a tight schedule (every 4 weeks) is necessary in many cases, or is it an artificial cycle length due to poor footcare. The main culprit he saw was driving nails too low.
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    Learn How to Forge a “Hall of Fame” Heel

    California farrier John Williams offers tips and insights for creating the clean and versatile Bob Marshall-style heel check
    Forging a heel check for many farriers is old hat. It’s such a part of the routine that sometimes not a lot of thought is invested into it. There’s another style of heel check, though, that Sacramento, Calif., farrier John Williams prefers when forging horseshoes.
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    Helping The Farrier Through Radiographs And MRI

    Equine veterinarians survey how these advanced imaging methods can contribute to helping the farrier develop a footcare solution
    In September, the British Equine Veterinary Association held its annual congress in Liverpool, England. To bridge a better understanding between the two trades, the agenda featured a farrier day with presentations specific to improving hoof care.
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    What It Takes To Reach 125

    At the end of its 125th anniversary year, W.F. Young credits honoring tradition while remaining innovative as it looks toward the future
    Regardless of the industry, it is rare to find companies with histories surpassing a century. It is even rarer to find a company with that longevity that is still owned by the same family.
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    Enter The Summit Mail-In Forging Exercise

    Build this shoe for a FREE T-shirt and your chance to win a belt buckle
    Sponsored by VICTORY, this forging exercise will be tied to the International Hoof-Care Summit. You don’t need to attend to participate — mail in your straight bar shoe to enter this free contest. IHCS attendees can save on the postage and drop off their shoe at the Summit.
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    Research Journal: December 2017

    The information, ideas and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the United States Department of Agriculture.
    Arthritis Treatment Inconclusive A case series treated with polyacrylamide gel was used to examine the effectiveness of the treatment for arthritis. Joints of 28 horses with naturally occurring arthritis in coffin, pastern fetlock or knee joints were injected with a medical grade preparation of the substance that is used as a lubricant or filler gel for plastic surgery or laboratory testing.
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  • Featured Articles

    Featured Articles


    How The Hoof Reveals Stress

    While horses’ hooves undergo a lot of stress, appropriate farriery and a return to the functional foot model can help deal with signs of stress
    Most people have experienced sore, aching feet at one point or another in their lives. After all, a 200-pound person exerts approximately 20 pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure on the ground.
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    What Causes Club Feet?

    Hall Of Fame farrier Doug Butler examines why flexure limb deformities develop and how to prevent and manage them
    The characteristics of a flexure limb deformity, commonly referred to as club foot, are easy to identify. Growth rings are wider at the heel, the toe is usually dished, the hoof is high on the heel and the coffin joint axis is broken forward. Radiographs often reveal that the coffin bone is deformed or remodeled. But what causes it?
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    Helping The Farrier Through Radiographs And MRI

    Equine veterinarians survey how these advanced imaging methods can contribute to helping the farrier develop a footcare solution
    In September, the British Equine Veterinary Association held its annual congress in Liverpool, England. To bridge a better understanding between the two trades, the agenda featured a farrier day with presentations specific to improving hoof care.
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  • Digital Edition

    Digital Edition

  • Online Extras

    Online Extras

    Online Extras: December 2017

    Web-exclusive content for this issue includes:

    • Watch a video of Sacramento, Calif., farrier John Williams demonstrating how to forge the Bob Marshall-style of heel check.
    • Get more insight on sizing tools to punch nails, how to get an extra reset with worn out nail holes and how to punch extra nail holes in keg shoes.
    • Watch a webinar discussion with Renate Weller and other members of the Royal Veterinary College’s equine locomotor research program.
    • Read the federal lawsuit filed by Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School against the state of California, as well as a watch a video that details the rationale behind it.

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