American Farriers Journal


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September/October 2020

Volume: 46
Edition: 6

American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers.

  • Table Of Contents

    Table Of Contents


    Briefings: September/October 2020

    Study Links Bone Loss to Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures in California Racehorses A recent study by Sarah Shaffer, International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame member Dr. Susan Stover and colleagues at the J.D. Wheat Veterinary Orthopedic Research Laboratory at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine sought to characterize bone abnormalities that precede proximal sesamoid bone (PSB) fractures and determine if pre-existing abnormalities are associated with these fractures.
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    MVP's Farrier Services Tackles Hoof Concerns Across Disciplines

    Laminitis, a coffin bone fracture and navicular syndrome are among the shoeing scenarios encountered during a typical day for this farrier team
    The second confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S. was in Chicago — about 60 miles southeast of Marengo, Ill., home and headquarters of MVP’s Farrier Service, Inc. Like in many other states, it was around mid-March that the governor issued a disaster proclamation. First schools and dine-in restaurants were closed and restrictions were imposed on large-group gatherings. Eventually, this gave way to a shelter-in-place order.
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    Hoof Health Hinges on Dynamic Climates

    Ever-changing environment can leave your clients’ horses struggling to adapt
    After a client invests $40,000 on footing for their arena, it’s hard — maybe impossible — to convince them it’s ruining their horse’s feet. Uxbridge, Ontario, farrier Dave Dawson had a client express concern that their horses were frequently tripping and stumbling.
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    Illustration of "Burden Machine" horseshoe manufacturing machine.   Photo: Farm Collector Magazine,

    How the Horse Shaped Horseshoes

    From transportation to the show ring, the changing role of the horse and industry influenced the production of horseshoes
    American Farriers Journal has been a valuable tool to farriers for over 4 decades. In each issue of the magazine this year is featured an article looking back at a moment during that time frame. As we reflect on this history, I find myself thinking about the history of another, essential farrier tool: the horseshoe.
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    How Trimming Methods Influence Equine Gait and Load

    Leipzig University study finds that hoof-care techniques should be tailored to the individual horse’s needs
    The main goals of hoof trimming are to promote the soundness of the hooves and the limbs, support the biomechanical efficiency, and maintain the functionality of the equine foot. During motion, in particular, it is of importance to optimize forces acting on the hoof to maintain structural integrity and function of the equine toe. However, there is no agreement on how to achieve these goals.
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    Reprinted with permission from the American Association of Equine Practitioners. Originally printed in the 2019 AAEP Convention Proceedings.

    Wooden Shoes Offer a Transitional Solution to a Variety of Hoof Problems

    Farriery option stabilizes hoof capsule, promotes hoof wall growth at the coronet and increases sole depth
    There are many practical farriery options available to the clinician when an alternative to a horseshoe may be necessary or preferred. The wooden shoe is a simple, practical and effective farriery option for treating not only chronic laminitis but many other foot problems (Figure 1).
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    2021 Forging Challenge Tests Skill, Delivers Practicality

    Assess and improve on your forging skills while making a hind to help a horse that may pull a front shoe
    For the 2021 Summit Mail-In Forging Exercise, I wanted to bring back concave as part of the challenge. When I choose a shoe for this contest, I want something that will test skill, but also something that is practical. The overall steps should have lessons practical for your everyday work, and hopefully have a shoe that can benefit some horses on your books.
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    Maximize Hoof Care by Thoroughly Evaluating the Whole Horse

    Assess how balance, posture and muscular development effect the hoof capsule
    Using a “big picture” approach of assessing the whole horse — from topline to toes — can identify factors in the animal’s body that might affect hoof shape and condition. Paying attention to how a horse uses its body can provide a farrier with practical insights into the best way to trim or shoe the animal to maximize its performance potential, says Mike Stine, a Marshville, N.C., farrier and own­er of Equine Dy­namics.
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    Battle Winter Moisture Woes with Nutrition

    Improve hoof quality with supplements and shorter shoeing cycles
    As summer gives way to fall, the diets of your clients’ horses change with the seasons. Hoof quality often transitions with it. Once winter arrives in cold climates, protecting the foot becomes increasingly challenging. Horses are often turned out in snow and mud where their hooves absorb moisture. Those with poor hoof quality become a playground for opportunistic bacteria. Improving the nutrition of a horse with compromised horn can play a part in preventing problems heading into the winter months.
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    Remembering Lester Hollenback

    Hall of Fame farrier and founder of Midwest Horseshoeing School served as part of Merrill’s Marauders during World War II

    International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member Lester Hollenback of Deltona, Fla., passed away Thursday, July 16, 2020. He was 97.

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    Shop Talk: September/October 2020

    Appeals Court Revives Farrier School’s Lawsuit The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the United States Court for the Eastern District of California to dismiss a lawsuit that was brought by Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School (PCHS), Bob Smith and Esteban Narez. The lawsuit alleges that the California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 violates the First Amendment rights of Smith and PCHS to teach farriery, as well as Narez’s right.
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    Lateral Extension Idea for a Sound Horse Series 1

    Creative approach to add lateral extension provides further therapeutic use for indirect glue solution.
    Manufacturers provide farriers with a solution for many of the challenges horses present us. And while a product is suitable for one problem, it may be ineffective or detrimental when applied as a solution for another.
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    Research Journal: September/October 2020

    The information, ideas and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the United States Department of Agriculture.
    Hoof Loading During Laminitis A study by researchers from the Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany, examined hoof loading in laminitic horses compared with normal controls. Fifty-four horses were divided into three groups:
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  • Featured Articles

    Featured Articles


    MVP's Farrier Services Tackles Hoof Concerns Across Disciplines

    Laminitis, a coffin bone fracture and navicular syndrome are among the shoeing scenarios encountered during a typical day for this farrier team
    The second confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S. was in Chicago — about 60 miles southeast of Marengo, Ill., home and headquarters of MVP’s Farrier Service, Inc. Like in many other states, it was around mid-March that the governor issued a disaster proclamation. First schools and dine-in restaurants were closed and restrictions were imposed on large-group gatherings. Eventually, this gave way to a shelter-in-place order.
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    2021 Forging Challenge Tests Skill, Delivers Practicality

    Assess and improve on your forging skills while making a hind to help a horse that may pull a front shoe
    For the 2021 Summit Mail-In Forging Exercise, I wanted to bring back concave as part of the challenge. When I choose a shoe for this contest, I want something that will test skill, but also something that is practical. The overall steps should have lessons practical for your everyday work, and hopefully have a shoe that can benefit some horses on your books.
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    Maximize Hoof Care by Thoroughly Evaluating the Whole Horse

    Assess how balance, posture and muscular development effect the hoof capsule
    Using a “big picture” approach of assessing the whole horse — from topline to toes — can identify factors in the animal’s body that might affect hoof shape and condition. Paying attention to how a horse uses its body can provide a farrier with practical insights into the best way to trim or shoe the animal to maximize its performance potential, says Mike Stine, a Marshville, N.C., farrier and own­er of Equine Dy­namics.
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  • Digital Edition

    Digital Edition

  • Online Extras

    Online Extras

    Online Extras: September/October 2020

    Web-exclusive content for this issue includes:

    • How Do You Measure Shoe Size? — Marengo, Ill., farrier Vern Powell shares the benefits of looking at feet in terms of steel length instead of standard factory shoe sizes in a video.

    • Foot Health in Varied Environments — Horse owners often ask farriers what’s the best environment for horses’ feet but challenges exist in most. Shoers discuss how they handle these challenges.

    • Test Your Skill — Choose from a variety of Mail-in challenges we’ve held over the years to  improve your forging skills.

    • Keratoma Case Report — Middleburg, Va., farrier Daniel Watson shares how he helped a 12-year-old trail riding horse that was referred to him for a suspected keratoma.

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