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How Grip and Purchase Benefits the Horse

Understanding grip and purchase will improve your understanding of farrier physics

Of the different techniques farriers bring to trimming and shoeing horses, probably one of the least talked about, yet vital resource, would be the concept of grip and purchase, according to Dr. Simon Curtis, a Newmarket, England-based farrier and International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame member.

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Horse Foot Balance is Verified

Scientific research easily defines and proves hoof balance is understood

Recently it has become popular for some farrier and veterinary clinicians to speak of horse foot balance as “not easily definable,” “not well understood,” and even “controversial.” They apparently are unaware of the vast body of published empirical evidence and scientific research verifying the principles of balance. Or, they have chosen to ignore such and have a favorite shoe or technique they desire to sell that is based upon an unsubstantiated idea.

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