Articles Tagged with ''Coronary Band''

RayTricca horse

Farrier Game Plan for Beating White Line Disease and Thrush

The first line of defense against hoof disease is usually the farrier. Although horse owners may want their farrier to quickly eliminate a suspected hoof infection in one treatment as part of the routine trimming and shoeing, it is important to provide sound advice in the form of a game plan. The reality is that deeply rooted infections like white line disease and chronic thrush are nearly impossible to kill with one application of a strong topical agent.
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Getting to the Bottom of Toe Cracks

Understanding what causes the problem is critical to correcting it

Toe cracks come in different forms, but none of them look good. Some cracks are small, others are long up the wall. Some are deep and others are superficial. All of us have heard, “Can you fix that crack?” Some can be corrected, but others will die with the horse. The biggest thing we must learn is what causes the crack in the first place. It’s just as important to know where it comes from as to where it’s going.

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Farrier Quick Takes

[Video] Equine Hoof Nutrition

Suffolk, Va., farrier Darren Owen offers strategies that have worked for him in educating novice horse owners about "feeding the hoof."
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Red Flags for Farriers

Recognize Improper Shoe Fit and Size

Reviewing these subtle signs will serve as a reminder for providing each horse with the best possible shoe fit
Before I wrote this article, I thought it would be a quick write up with pictures of poorly fitted shoes and correctly fitted shoes. As I began typing, I quickly realized how many factors are essential for a properly fitted shoe and how many "red flags" about improper fit can pop up.
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How To Evaluate The Equine Hoof Capsule

Understanding the mechanism of hoof capsule distortion allows the farrier to formulate a treatment plan
The hoof capsule comprises the hoof wall, sole, frog and bulbs of the heels; which, through the unique continuous bond between its components, form a casing on the ground surface of the limb that affords protection to the soft tissue and osseous structures enclosed within the capsule.
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