
Shoeing for a Living

A FIERCE Passion for Helping Horses

California farrier enjoys the rewards of therapeutic shoeing
“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” Helena famously des­­cribed Hermia this way in A Mid­sum­mer’s Night Dream. In fact, since William Shakespeare’s words first were uttered on stage in the late 1500s, it’s been used countless times to describe people and things. When Placerville, Calif., farrier Marijke Ellert opens up her rig, the quote is there for all to see, emblazoned on the back wall. The word “FIERCE” is prominent by appearing in all capital letters.
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Hammer-Finished Mule Shoe Delivers New Challenge

The 2017 Summit Mail-In Forging Exercise will earn a winner a buckle and all participants a T-shirt
Now in its third year, the Summit Mail-In Forging Exercise has a new challenge for this go around. The inaugural contest was a hammer-finished heart bar shoe, followed the next year by an aluminum shoe with a riveted bar made out of a rasp. The bar shoe exercise allowed for power tool application.
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How Do Adhesives Affect Hoof Wall?

Moisture and heat are the most common enemies during repair
Chances are pretty good that you’ve repaired a compromised hoof wall at one time or another. In fact, according to the most recent American Farriers Journal Farrier Business Practices Survey, nearly half of all farriers find themselves using some type of hoof repair product on a weekly basis.
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A Step-By-Step Process for Improving Stud Holes

By following these instructions, you can increase the reliability of stud holes for your clients using aluminum shoes
From time to time, farriers must provide screw-in studs in aluminum shoes for our clients. We want to make sure the task remains easy for the client and our work is reliable. However, when we drill and tap holes in aluminum, they can become worn rather quickly. Then we’ll hear from our riders that the studs have fallen from their aluminum shoes during training or competition.
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The World Championship Blacksmiths Hits 10 Years

The Madison, Wis., competition opens the group’s 10th season of “excellence through competition”
Music blares, hammers swing and anvils ring. The World Championship Blacksmiths (WCB) kicked off its 10th season in April at the Midwest Horse Show in Madison, Wis. — the group’s opening venue for several years. To the equine enthusiasts passing through the tent, it is a forging competition like they’ve never seen. There’s definite truth to that.
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