
Concussion and the Equine Foot

Examining the multitude of factors influencing the interaction of the hoof and the ground

As far back as ancient Greece, horsemen have recognized the importance of the hoof, and the influence of the hoof-ground interface (on the way of going of the horse). Lacking the wings of Pegasos, real horses are subject to the shock of impact with the ground passing through their hooves and lower limbs.

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Taking a Crack at Hoof Wall Defects

How failures occur and the best techniques for farriers to help them heal
To say that the equine hoof wall is an amazing structure is a gross understatement. It must withstand a multitude of destructive forces from the environment — both man made and natural — and extreme concussive forces trying to tear it apart. Given these circumstances, it’s no wonder that failures occur.
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Where Does the Problem Originate?

An extreme case of scoliosis and other issues provide a reminder to look beyond the feet and that conformation can limit what farriers can do to help a horse
Many times our eyes are drawn to the feet of the horse, since this is our specialty as farriers. As we look at the feet, we might identify various issues that are going on.
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Sheared Heels and the Correlation to a Quarter Crack

A quarter crack repair will be of little value unless the cause of the defect is not identified and rectified
The strong association between sheared heels and a spontaneous quarter crack is hard to ignore. Although inappropriate farriery may play a role, limb conformation and the landing pattern of the horse appear to be the dominant factors causing this type of hoof capsule deformation.
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Thoughts On Medial-Lateral Balance

Colorado farrier Jim Quick shares food for thought on trimming and shoeing for a balanced foot
If you go to a Jim Quick clinic expecting him to dictate how you should shoe a horse, you’re at the wrong clinic. Instead, the Niwot, Colo., farrier says his purpose is to not give instructions to tell other farriers how to shoe, but to share his thoughts on how he does the job. Quick did just that at Bruce Daniels Memorial Clinic in early April when he suggested points of consideration regarding medial-lateral balance.
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