Shoeing for a Living


A Balanced Approach To Hoof Care

Ontario farriers Russ and Katie Gaudet bring individual strengths in a team approach for their clients’ horses
In some marriages, a spouse knows with amazing accuracy what the other is thinking without that person telling them. Their clairvoyance is earned by building familiarity with the other person so much so that their thought patterns become predictable. In farriery, there are a few married couples where either spouse can look at a trimmed foot and recognize the approach in their partner’s trimming or shoeing work.
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Successful Track Shoeing Requires a Strong Start Out of the Gate

To take care of the needs of track Thoroughbreds, Kentucky farrier Steve Norman relies on knowledge, skill and a team of horseshoers
There’s an old saying that time heals all wounds. It is overstated, but it certainly applies to equine athletes. Although not true in every case, many horses recover from a myriad of foot and lower limb problems if given ample time off from training and competition so they can recover. That’s a wonderful thought, but a luxury few track shoers enjoy. Georgetown, Ky., farrier Steve Norman knows that reality all too well. For more than 45 years, he’s handled footcare for Thoroughbreds on the track and at farms. He’s built a practice to where he now primarily works for larger barns and farms.
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Shoeing for a Living

A FIERCE Passion for Helping Horses

California farrier enjoys the rewards of therapeutic shoeing
“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” Helena famously des­­cribed Hermia this way in A Mid­sum­mer’s Night Dream. In fact, since William Shakespeare’s words first were uttered on stage in the late 1500s, it’s been used countless times to describe people and things. When Placerville, Calif., farrier Marijke Ellert opens up her rig, the quote is there for all to see, emblazoned on the back wall. The word “FIERCE” is prominent by appearing in all capital letters.
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Shoeing For A Living

Principles Of Footcare Guide Cohesive Team

For farrier Travis Burns and the team at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, successful outcomes rely on each member contributing to a shared goal
Like many farriers, the horseshoeing bug bit Travis Burns at an early age. The Blacksburg, Va., farrier grew up near Asheville, N.C., where his family operated a trail riding business in the Great Smoky Mountains.
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Shoeing for a Living

Horseshoeing’s Engineering Puzzle Charms Finger Lakes Farrier

Kirk Smith enjoys the challenge of balancing the horse’s system of levers and pulleys

Horses have been a staple in Kirk Smith’s life long before he started shoeing horses in Freeville, N.Y.

He always had horses while growing up in the small farming town of Clark in northeastern South Dakota. He cut his teeth working cattle part-time as a high school student and later during his summer breaks while attending Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. Along the way, he broke and trained horses.

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Shoeing for a Living

Farrier’s Success Comes Through Diversity

By not focusing on particular disciplines, Arizona farrier Chad Lunderville has been able to grow his footcare practice over the past 20 years
During the 10 years of his childhood living on a Wisconsin dairy farm, Chad Lunderville had a clearer path for working with cows than horses. Tired of the brutal winters that hampered the dairy operation, his family moved back to Arizona, where horses gained the younger Lunderville’s attention.
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Shoeing for a Living

Footcare by Committee

A gathering of farriers in western Pennsylvania provides opportunity to discuss each other’s approach to hoof care
What’s a typical day for a farrier? Well, define “typical.” How often does one set out to trim and shoe horses without a curve ball coming out of nowhere that disrupts that day’s plans? Is that no longer a normal day?
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Shoeing for a Living

Staying One Step Ahead

Preparing for volatile changes in seasonal climates pays off with better feet for Oklahoma farrier
Large, fluffy clouds dot the blue skies over northeastern Oklahoma in late May. A beautiful day like this is fairly typical shoeing weather for Chelsea, Okla., farrier Craig Stark.
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Shoeing for a Living

No-Frills Footcare In North Georgia

Commitment to getting feet to a “solid” state is the cornerstone of Doug Workman’s farrier practice

In the world of horseshoeing, Doug Workman is well respected as an American Farrier’s Association certified journeyman farrier and tester, a board of trustees member for the American Association of Professional Farriers and a sought-after clinician.

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