

Safety Between the Ties

The options are growing. Are you doing all you can to keep horses calm and cooperative during shoeing while keeping customers happy and yourself healthy?
Every shoeing session begins with the farrier gaining control of the horse. As a practical matter, most farriers secure the horse between cross-ties - a practice not everyone thinks is safe - while luckier shoers can call on an assistant or stable hand to steady the animal with a lead rope.
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Quality of Hoof Knives Not Easy to Determine

Packaging labels and ads don’t necessarily give you the information needed to select a knife that will meet your expectations for sharpness and durability
Farriers probably reach for their hoof knives more than any other tool, but it’s a good bet that many don’t give much thought to buying this seemingly simple piece of basic equipment.
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A Room to Roam

Farrier Rich Cleland was aiming for a portable workshop when he put the pieces together for his perfect rig
Words such as "sharp", "sporty" and even "pretty" accurately describe Rich Cleland's shoeing rig, but they don't do justice to how functional and comfortable it is.
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American Farriers Journal Checklist

Basics In Using A Rasp

The rasp is the most frequently used cutting tool in any farrier’s box. Here are some useful tips for using it with efficiency, ease and accuracy.
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Farrier explains how the horses who carry New York's Tallest are kept safe and sound and shares what he's learned about traction
The New York City Police Department has 100 horses to patrol the city's five boroughs.
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Driving Hammer Test Drives

There's no shortage of choices in this tool, but what should the beginner look for?
Farriers are known to be particular about their tools — none more so that the driving hammer – which comes into play every time a shoe is nailed onto the hoof.
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