Business Practices

Bill Scalzitti

Traveling Light

Track shoer’s rig a good fit in more ways than one

AFTER 30 YEARS, Bill Scalzitti knows what works best for his racetrack shoeing efforts. And it includes a rig design that lets him shoe as conveniently and comfortably as possible.

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Ca$h In On The Multiple Benefits Of Reselling Products

Not only can the resale of products to shoeing clients boost your income, but it will provide better quality feet to work on and build customer loyalty

 With today's horse owners seeking more product information and requesting solid advice on all aspects of managing their horses, you have a great opportunity to share your experiences and ideas with shoeing clients.

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Favorites Old And New To Highlight AFA Convention

The annual assembly, being held Feb. 25 to 28 in Rochester, N.Y., will feature many events returning by popular demand, as well as first-time attractions that are sure to please farriers from across the country.
A NEW AND DIFFERENT class of competitors — The Jack Benny Class — will highlight the American Farrier’s Association’s 2004 convention.
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