Business Practices

Pump Pressures

While nobody likes facing higher fuel prices, some shoers are figuring out money-saving ways to tackle the problem

Five years ago, we produced an American Farriers Journal article on how horseshoers were dealing with skyrocketing fuel prices.

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Practical Rig Tips

Owners Offer Insights on a Range of Rig Styles

Before choosing your dream shoeing rig, sleep on these tips from the farriers who work from them every day
Does your rig work for you or against you? Unless you’re one of the few farriers who have the horses brought to them, your shoeing rig goes a long way toward determining how easily and comfortably you work and travel every day.
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Product How-To

Stage Secrets and Horseshoes

Long Island farrier shares what he’s learned about alternatives to traditional metal horseshoes while working on Broadway’s four-legged hoofers

Like many other farriers, Gary Werner of Smithtown, N.Y., has a varied clientele.

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Everything I Ever Needed To Know About Working With Grooms...

Wisconsin farrier says taking the time to get to know barn staff pays off
A few years back, there was a small book that was a big hit titled,"Everything I Ever Really Needed To Know, I Learned In Kindergarten." Author Robert Fulghum expounded on  the importance of some of the basic rules for life that most of us learn at a very young age; rules such as, "Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours."
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