Business Practices

Celebrate Your Career

Beyond enjoying the national recognition of your chosen profession, use National Farriers Week 2004 to reflect on your career…and make plans to keep it advancing

JUST AS WITH any other job, there are surely those frustrating days when you ask yourself, “Why did I get myself into this?”

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Facing steel price increases as high as 50 percent because of growing worldwide demand for steel, companies are being forced to pass increased shoe and farrier tool manufacturing costs along to customers.

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104 "Best of the Best" Shoeing Ideas

At the International Hoof-Care Summit, veteran shoers shared the best shoeing tips, tricks and techniques they’ve used during their shoeing careers

IN TWO POWERFUL idea-a-minute presentations at the recent International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, seven veteran shoers shared more than eight dozen money-making ideas.

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Horseshoers Union Numbers Skyrocket

Merger with other trades boosts numbers from fewer than 100 members to almost 40,000, offering shoers a possible savings on insurance benefits

FARRIERS MAY PRIDE themselves on being their own boss and owning their own company, but with the expansion of the International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers of the United States and Canada, now may be the time for shoers to think about joining a union.

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Rich Cleland
Shoeing For A Living

Have Shoes Will Travel

Central Florida farrier runs a rock-solid shoeing business — including servicing the special needs of the Orlando Police Department’s Mounted Patrol
Make no mistake about it, Rich Cleland is a man's man.
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Brian Raines and Pamela Raines

For Better Or For Worse

A wife for a business manager might drive some farriers to the marriage counselor, but it’s a profitable match for Brian Raines and wife, Pamela

YOU’VE HEARD THE story about the farrier who won the lottery and was asked by a reporter what he intended to do with his millions? “Well,” he replied, “I guess I’ll keep shoeing till the money runs out.”

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