Business Practices


Using Clips as Needed, Not as Trends Dictate, Will Enable Farriers to Improve a Horse’s Hoof-Health and Performance

Hoof proportion, digital alignment and capsule health should all be considered before deciding whether to use clips and which kind
It’s not uncommon for farriers to feel pressure from clients who ask for a shoe style or trimming method because the people winning in their discipline “do it that way.” Suddenly, it becomes the “go-to” preference and influences availability of supply.
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Different Approaches, Same Goal

Through reviewing a case report, farriers discuss their varied concerns and plan for addressing the issue.
There has never been an appliance among farriers’ options that has been the answer for any single issue in every situation. Likewise, no two farriers’ approach to hoof care has been exactly the same. You will encounter farriers of differing levels of experiences, education, preferences for modalities, interests in disciplines or business practices.
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Understand Farrier Terminology and How it is Used

Farrier Bob Pethick finds veterinarians can hurt a farrier’s reputation by using incorrect terminology in the absence of understanding with the client.
The health and well-being of the horse should be the ultimate goal for the veterinarian and farrier in lameness cases. According to New Jersey farrier Bob Pethick, that end demands the two parties work together to be successful, especially when helping performance horses stay in or return to the show ring.
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Advice from Farriers Who Work the Most with Veterinarians

Several farriers who work with veterinary colleagues on a daily basis offer opinions on improving veterinarian-farrier relationships.

There are a handful of farriers who have a unique perspective on the veterinarian-farrier relationship. Fewer than 10 of the veterinary colleges in the United States have full-time farriers. These professionals have regular workloads in the clinics, but also serve the veterinary schools in other capacities.

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How a Successful Farrier and Veterinarian Relationship Should Flow

To help horses, both the farrier and veterinarian must recognize specific areas of responsibility and have open communication.
When farriers and veterinarians work together, great things can happen for the horse. This requires a balance of communication, mutual respect, confidence and several other traits. We asked equine veterinarian Bob Grisel and farrier Tim Shannon to share their advice for colleagues working with footcare counterparts, and also expectations for the other party.
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Successfully Working with Farriers Will Help the Horse

“Neither of us can be successful in helping the horse without the other.” This is a simple statement, but rang loudly when I interviewed farrier Bob Pethick for this report. The Hall of Fame farrier, who has nearly 50 years of experience, works with dozens of vets each year on lameness cases. He recognizes that farriers and veterinarians putting egos aside, providing mutual respect and working together helps deliver the best outcome for the horses in their care.
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Shoeing For A Living

Shoeing Mackinac Island’s Horses with Limited Resources

Michigan farrier Jennifer Horn applies sound principles to maintain driving and trail riding mounts
There are few places in the United States where a modern community has no use for motorized vehicles. One such place can be found on Mackinac Island, just south of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in Lake Huron. The island, which is 3.8 square miles, outlawed horseless carriages in 1898, leaving three modes of transportation — walking, bicycling and horses.
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