Disciplines & Breeds

Shop Talk: AAPF Awards Three Roy Bloom Scholarships

A trio of farriers earned a trip to the 2017 International Hoof-Care Summit after the American Association of Professional Farriers (AAPF) awarded them Roy Bloom Scholarships. Carlina Grey of Plymouth, Calif.; Gabe Griffin of Orangevale, Calif.; and Marc Condrey of Bumpass, Va., successfully completed the application requirements. They were required to submit one of the following options:
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Quick-Hit Highlights From The American Association Of Equine Practitioners Convention

Equine veterinarians share research and thoughts on various subjects on equine foot and limb health, primarily related to their use of magnetic resonance imaging
Nearly 2,500 equine veterinarians gathered in Orlando, Fla., in early December 2016 to discuss all aspects of equine health at the American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention. Even among the foot and limb, there is a wide variety of topics surveyed during the gathering. However, among those presentations and discussions, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and soft tissue injuries received a great deal of attention among those interested in the foot and limb.
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What caught your attention in 2016

Check out the “most viewed” content from American Farriers Journal’s digital media platforms
The ball has dropped. Toasts have been made. Another year has passed. Father Time has relinquished his mantle to Baby New Year. But before running headlong into 2017, it’s a good time to reflect upon 2016. After all, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
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Vet, Farrier Tackle Tough Abscess Case

Retired barrel racing horse suffers severe bruising, abscesses after pulling shoes
RW’s job was done and his shoes were pulled. After years of racing around barrels in cloverleaf patterns, it was time for the sorrel Quarter Horse with a white blaze to take it easy and enjoy the good life in Southwest Tennessee.
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Successful Track Shoeing Requires a Strong Start Out of the Gate

To take care of the needs of track Thoroughbreds, Kentucky farrier Steve Norman relies on knowledge, skill and a team of horseshoers
There’s an old saying that time heals all wounds. It is overstated, but it certainly applies to equine athletes. Although not true in every case, many horses recover from a myriad of foot and lower limb problems if given ample time off from training and competition so they can recover. That’s a wonderful thought, but a luxury few track shoers enjoy. Georgetown, Ky., farrier Steve Norman knows that reality all too well. For more than 45 years, he’s handled footcare for Thoroughbreds on the track and at farms. He’s built a practice to where he now primarily works for larger barns and farms.
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