
From The Desk Of AFJ

Times They (Still) Are A Changin’

Farriery is an art and science steeped in tradition. Within that tradition is a commitment to honoring the basics. Yet, there is always a constant evolution within the system. New products come and go. New theories and research emerge that reshape our thinking about the horse. Some things will never change, but many others do.
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Web-Exclusive Feature

Farrier Jam Sessions Expand Hoof-Care Knowledge

Many folks in this industry know that solid vet/farrier relationships are necessary for providing the best quality hoof care for horses. For the farrier community surrounding Tryon, N.C., one way to develop these relationships comes in the form of monthly Farrier Jam Sessions.
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Is The Saddle The Problem?

Understanding general principles can help farriers confirm or eliminate causes of lameness
As farriers, we are aware that poor fitting horseshoes can cause discomfort and lameness in horses. Unfortunately, many farriers do not realize that poor fitting saddles can cause lameness, gait faults, shoeing problems and even personality problems.
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Considerations for Launching a Multi-Farrier Practice

Veteran Florida farrier James Gilchrist provides lessons he learned from building a multi-farrier practice
The way James Gilchrist views it, we’re members of various teams throughout our lives. Your family is a team. If you worship as a member of a church, the congregation is another team. Because of this viewpoint, it is no surprise that the veteran shoer from Wellington, Fla., says the team is the basis of success within a multi-farrier practice.
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