Articles by Jeremy McGovern

From The Desk Of AFJ

3 Lessons on Managing Clients

Back in January 2013, Delaware, Ohio, farrier Dean Moshier was invited to be on an online radio show, Stable Scoop, on Horse Radio Network. In it, he discussed a top 10 list of what most farriers wanted their clients to know. Over the last 3 years, these questions and answers have evolved, mainly influenced by client interactions within Moshier’s practice.
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Shoeing for a Living

Waging the Battle Against Distortion

After 30 years as a farrier, Pennsylvania shoer Doug Neilson finds his everyday work has evolved by becoming more straight-forward in his approach
Doug Neilson never set out to be an eventing farrier. He rode show hunters when growing up on Long Island, N.Y. After meeting his wife Ann in college, they married and lived in Delaware, where she came from.
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Always Consider What Affects the Hoof’s Shape

Dr. Simon Curtis reminds farriers that there are a multitude of factors that affect hoof shape — and should be considered when trimming and shoeing horses
When working with horses, it is imperative for the farrier to mentally review aspects that affect the shape of the hoof. Some of these factors can be influenced by you as the farrier, while others are completely out of your control. All should be considered when trimming and shoeing the horse, as these factors will influence your decisions in maintaining its hooves.
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How To Pack For A Forging Contest
Farrier Tips

How To Pack For A Forging Contest

Pennsylvania farrier and forging competitor shows how he packs his tools for forging contests.
Forging competitors will say that the education gained through contest preparation exceeds whatever prize they could earn by winning a competition. Much of what they learn is through the preparation for a forging contest. Although the practice of shoe- or toolmaking gets much of the competitor's attention, packing for that contest shouldn't be overlooked.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

Customer Service That Covers Your Back

The practice of farriery is one firmly based in tradition, yet modern solutions have provided farriers with more options for helping horses. Nailing on a steel shoe made from bar stock remains a helpful option for many hoof-care needs, but so do adhesives, urethane shoes and other contemporary tools.
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Where Are Most Western Horse Lamenesses?

Known as “the vet truck,” the Equine Sports Medicine (ESM) mobile veterinary clinic provides top-notch care for equine athletes competing in horse shows across the nation. The practice’s two partners, Dr. Alan Donnell and Dr. Dave Frisbie, have dedicated their careers to using evidence-based approaches to treat the variety of orthopedic injuries that top-tier athletic horses experience.
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