There are many circumstances in which vets and farriers need to work together for the best outcome for the horse. Disagreements may occur during these discussions of the best course to take. In speaking with Diego Almeida, CJF, of the Midwest Horseshoeing School and University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine about dealing with laminitis (September/October 2017, American Farriers Journal), he finds that it is imperative for the farrier to avoid misunderstandings with the vet by being prepared.
Like any disease, treating laminitis comes at a cost. Usually it is the financial aspects that one — especially the client — considers. Cost for diagnosis and treatment may include radiographs, medicines, and the professional fees of the vet and farrier to name a few.
“It all comes down to the basics.” We’ve all heard that, so much that it seems to be a cliché among some in farriery. But this has never become a passing phrase when it comes from Bob Pethick.
If you are a frequent reader of American Farriers Journal, you’ve noticed the different look with this issue when you took it from the mailbox or picked it up from the supply shop shelf. This issue is the culmination of more than 18 months of work to update American Farriers Journal.
Teaching someone how to nail on a keg shoe, according to Bob Smith of Plymouth, Calif., isn’t the most difficult lesson. Of course, that doesn’t account for selecting the correct shoe, shaping it properly to the trim and other aspects of doing that job well. But to successfully run a farrier business takes investment — you need to know more than just how to shoe a horse.
Every facet of being a farrier requires teamwork. Whether you are working with a single client with a backyard horse or the trainer, owner, groom and others with a high-level performance horse, to effectively do your work means there is a team dynamic.
In late May, the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate passed a $15 minimum wage bill. Currently, Illinois’ minimum wage is $8.25. Should this plan pass the governor’s desk, the full $15 rate would be reached in 2022 for those age 18 and older. At the time of press, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner had yet to sign this bill, and isn’t expected to do so.
At the 2017 Iowa State University (ISU) Spring Clinic and Competition, veterinarian Dane Tatarniuk and resident farrier Doug Russo discussed the street nail procedure (navicular bursotomy procedure) and the role of farriery for the horse post surgery.
For farriers, poor communication ranks up there as a work place hazard that can do significant damage to a practice. Although there isn’t the physical injury that comes from other dangers, like being kicked by a spooked horse, poor communication can lead to loss of business severe enough to cripple one’s business.
Iowa State University veterinarian and farrier discuss the street nail procedure as treatment and their roles in helping horses recover from this trauma
Whether you are a farrier or veterinarian, a penetrating injury of the foot won’t be a daily occurrence in your practice. Dane Tatarniuk, a veterinary surgeon at Iowa State University (ISU) College of Veterinary Medicine, reminds farriers and veterinarians to be prepared and knowledgeable about this trauma because, at some point, it will happen and you’ll be called on in your role to aid in the animal’s recovery.
Greg Martin, CJF, of Boerne, Texas, takes the unique approach of marketing his hoof-care practice with a Christmas parade float in Boerne and Comfort, Texas. The award-winning float boasts a variety of surprising features.
Life Data Labs Inc. is a dedicated product manufacturer committed to producing premium quality animal nutrition and health products through continuous product improvement and new product development. First-class ingredients, fresh products, consistent high quality and scientifically proven effectiveness are the principal features of Life Data Labs animal health products. And that's why they've produced the #1 recommended hoof supplement by farriers for 12 consecutive years.
Kawell develops and produces copper alloy horseshoes and inserts, giving horses the care that they need to fight issues associated with white line disease, seedy toe and thrush.
From the feed room to the tack room, SmartPak offers innovative solutions to help riders take great care of their horses. SmartPak was founded in 1999 with the introduction of the patented SmartPak™ supplement feeding system. The revolutionary, daily dose SmartPaks are custom-made for your horse, individually labeled and sealed for freshness.