Articles by Jeremy McGovern

From The Desk Of AFJ

Legal Comments Provide Food For Thought

Facebook has revolutionized communication. It has connected farriers globally for the betterment of the trade. You can share work to get the advice of others, provide thoughtful advice for a fellow farrier or see what’s going on at a clinic you couldn’t attend. But while there are tremendous benefits from using Facebook, are there potential legal consequences awaiting farriers on it?
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Defining What Is And Isn’t Natural Balance

British farrier David Nicholls gives a history of how Natural Balance led to a more definitive system of hoof mapping
There are misconceptions regarding Natural Balance, according British farrier David Nicholls. Chiefly, that it is a fad, having been around since 1993. It isn’t simply a square-toed shoe. And it isn’t an indiscriminate placement of a shoe onto the foot.
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Simple And Straightforward Shoeing Helps Young Horse Recover

Texas farrier Virgil Conde discusses his strategy for the footcare of a horse that sheared off part of its hoof wall
In mid-September, Todd and Leighette Davidson knew their young horse Tybee had a problem. Identifying it was easy — the Quarter Horse had broken off part of the hoof wall on the lateral side of its front left foot (Figure 1). As best they could tell from the location of the recovered piece of hoof wall (Figure 2), the horse caught its foot on a broken pipe, which created the trauma.
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Helping The Farrier Through Radiographs And MRI

Equine veterinarians survey how these advanced imaging methods can contribute to helping the farrier develop a footcare solution
In September, the British Equine Veterinary Association held its annual congress in Liverpool, England. To bridge a better understanding between the two trades, the agenda featured a farrier day with presentations specific to improving hoof care.
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A Guideline To Expect The Expected And Unexpected

Determining what it costs to work with each horse is a valuable tool for determining the profitability of your practice
There are differences in how every farrier approaches his or her business. Still, the most common and effective way to manage the finances of a farrier business remains knowing what it costs to shoe a horse.
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State, Local Jurisdictions Cloud Sales Tax Collection For Hoof-Care Providers

Where you live and work has a impact on what you need to collect from clients in sales taxes
Paying taxes is an inevitable part of operating a business. Depending on where you live in the United States, sales tax is a mandatory part of taxation and the billing process of a farrier practice. Unfortunately, the lack of uniformity makes collecting sales tax confusing.
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Frankly Speaking: Business Management Means Focusing On Yourself

The annual Farrier Supplies And Services Directory has become a trusted resource for the industry in its years of existence. Another benefit to this issue is the collection of business articles that appear in its pages. Since 1982, this special issue has helped farriers find valuable strategies for growing and protecting their businesses, earning more income and keeping that money in their pockets.
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