Articles by Jeremy McGovern

From the Desk of AFJ

Has Technology Hampered Horsemanship?

During a roundtable discussion regarding lamenesses in sport horses there was a quick word from a vet regarding effectiveness. Vets have many options available today, and advancements in technology have improved these tools even more so. But speaking specifically on MRIs one vet said it is a diagnostic tool that he will resort to less commonly.
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A Prelude To Understanding Duckett’s Dot

Hall Of Famer Dave Duckett stresses to attendees at the Northeast Association of Equine Practitioners meeting to focus on the science that gives practitioners a common language to work from
There are noteworthy figures in farriery who are closely associated with significant developments. Whether it is a tool, forging technique or creative application, these people left a mark on the industry. But among these, only one name is universally recognized by farriers in association with external reference points of the foot.
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Set the Tone with Clients Before They Join Your Practice

Hall Of Fame farrier Dave Farley relies on an interview and correspondence to find the right clients for his multi-farrier practice
When you have a good client, you look forward to getting to that barn. They respect your investment in developing skill and knowledge, appreciate your work with their horses and — although it isn’t about the money — they pay on time, without commentary on the price.
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From the Desk of AFJ

How Many Draft Horses are Too Many?

I'm betting most readers of this blog post won't know who Ashrita Furman is. He has spent the better part of his adult life conceiving of world records. He currently holds about 200 Guinness world records, which in of itself counts as one of those records.
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Frankly Speaking: A New Boogeyman Emerges

The boogeyman of regulation looms over the farrier profession in the United States. And much like the mythical figure used to scare children, there are various forms of the farriery boogeyman. Every few years, new concerns over licensing reemerge, leaving many to wonder whether any state or federal agency will register and qualify farriers beyond the race track. None have.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

How Will You Retire?

If there is any subject that should have a click-bait article title to trick readers into it, I can’t think of a better candidate than financing a retirement plan. Most retirement solicitations and articles should come with the same government warning as alcohol and medication — they may cause drowsiness.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

More Time To Say Your Word On Horse Protection

When the United States Department of Agriculture announced the proposed changes to the Horse Protection Act in July 2016, the general equine industry rejoiced. “Finally,” they thought, “a real effort to end soring.” After all, attempted legislation against soring died in the past by being stalled in the sausage mill of Washington, D.C.
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Making And Applying A Double Nail Package

By going through his process and reasons for use, Hall Of Fame farrier Bud Willimon explains how this package can benefit show horses
Hall Of Fame Horseshoer Bud Willimon has spent about 60 years working with Saddlebreds, Morgans and Hackney ponies. “In all that time, I learned there is nothing new,” he reasons. “Just things are new to those who haven’t tried it.”
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