Business Practices

AFA Bulletin

Farriers, Sound Your Horn!

The AFA needs to make its qualities known to the horse-owning public
Problems will always occur within an organization. That’s just one of the facts of life. In the farrier world, it seems that we face a lot of problems. We’re therefore very analytical about our trade. Sometimes, this tendency to scrutinize everything so closely carries over into our organization.
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Twenty Reasons to Pay on Time

Fed up with late payments, some farriers are charging billing fees
There can't be anything more frustrating than pulling up to a barn, shoeing a horse and then not getting paid. You’ve put in your valuable time and strenuous effort only to leave the work area with no more money than when you showed up.
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Shoeing for a Living

Good, Solid Shoeing in the Summer Heat

Michigan farrier finds sticking to the basics helps him build a successful shoeing practice
It's early, but one of Bill Ruh’s customers has apparently decided she’s stood quietly long enough. The farrier shakes his head as he describes her quick gallop toward freedom, across a west central Michigan bean field, in the general direction of nearby Grand Rapids.
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Minimizing Customer Phone Calls

The benefits of using e-mail and a Web site for your shoeing business
Jimmy Gifford uses his e-mail and Web site as business tools for scheduling shoeing appointments, answering questions about general customer concerns and communicating with other farriers about hoof problems.
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