Business Practices

For The Love Of The Horse

For some, shoeing horses is a job. For others, it’s what life is all about.
Every shoeing business has a limited amount of services. Whether it’s hand-making shoes from bar stock or giving prepurchase advice, no two businesses offer exactly the same thing. But if there ever was a farrier service that had unlimited services, it would have to be Ross Smith’s at Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
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The Perfect Apprenticeship!

Planning is the key to this close working relationship
The American Farrier’s Association has an apprentice program, which some potential farriers have tried. Many more work out apprenticeship agreements with veteran farriers with varying levels of success.
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Think You’re Safe From Being Sued? Think Again!

Not only do you have to protect yourself from being sued, but you may be held responsible for your apprentices or students even when you’re not supervising them
A day doesn’t go by that we don’t hear about somebody being sued. Turn on the radio and you’ll hear about a big tobacco company settling a billion-dollar lawsuit out of court. Flip on the TV at night and you’ll likely have to choose between a sitcom or a lawyer-based drama involving big-dollar court proceedings.
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Apprehensive About Apprentices

While some would look at apprentices as cheap labor, this farrier says that adding an apprentice can cost you an extra $15 to $18 per horse
Your shoeing clients seem to be multiplying like rabbits and there aren’t enough hours in the day to get them all done no matter how well you plan your day. You have two options. You can dump a load of clients or you can find yourself an apprentice to do the menial tasks, letting you continue to be the expert.
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Your Business Is Worth It

Use these smart business management tips to decide whether you want to be a Mercedes or Yugo type of farrier
Do you want to make more money by shoeing fewer horses for more desirable clients? Of course you do!
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One key to both his medical and shoeing success that Michael Miller would like to pass along to other farriers is the importance of keeping fit. “Since I used to do long distance biking as a hobby, I asked an exercise therapist to put together an exercise program for me,” says the Trussville, Ala., orthopedic surgeon and farrier. “As it turns out, those exercises that are best for a biker are also good ones for a shoer.
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Fuel Prices Vs. Shoeing Prices

When you’re hit with an unexpected business expense, how should you deal with it?
With gas and diesel prices skyrocketing earlier this year, the big question is whether to simply put up with the increased business expense or pass the increased fuel costs along to your shoeing clients.
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