From The Desk Of AFJ

From the Desk of AFJ

The Making of a Stand

Farriery is an ancient profession, to be sure. While balancing hooves with a trim and nailing on shoes remain the foundational tasks, there have been considerable advances in the industry. Many times, significant sacrifices are made to bring innovations to the farrier market. Some sacrifices are more significant than others.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

Follow the 'Golden Rule' When Setting Your Footcare Prices

The ideal pricing spot is in the middle of the top one-third of the prices charged by farriers in your area
When it comes to setting prices, everyone has a different approach. Advertising copywriter and marketing consultant Bob Bly follows the golden rule that says you should do unto others as you want others to do unto you. What hoof-care pricing structure do you follow?
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Mary Bramley
From The Desk Of AFJ

Are Farriers Essential in a Time of Pandemic Crisis?

The current impact of the COVID-19 virus on your farrier practice should have you asking whether you are prepared for this pandemic and how you are going to prepare yourself going forward with the ever-increasing measures being taken to curb the spread of the virus. What countermeasures, if any, should we take as farriers? How will this pandemic affect our daily business?
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Danvers Child
From The Desk Of AFJ

Farriery Doesn’t Have to be a Tug of War

The International Hoof-Care Summit recently concluded, and I have a question. Why do you go to the mid-winter farrier conference? I think the typical response is going to be that "I came for continuing education." That's what we did. We all came here for continuing education. But what are you continuing?
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