From The Desk Of AFJ


Veterinarian-Farrier Relationships Flourish When Egos aren’t in the Way

I enjoy discussing veterinarian-farrier relationships. This subject reminds me of a quote from the legendary Baltimore Sun writer H.L. Mencken: “For every complex problem there is a solution that is clear, simple and wrong.” There’s not an easy answer to the question on improving veterinarian-farrier relationships because we are complex individuals.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

3 Lessons on Managing Clients

Back in January 2013, Delaware, Ohio, farrier Dean Moshier was invited to be on an online radio show, Stable Scoop, on Horse Radio Network. In it, he discussed a top 10 list of what most farriers wanted their clients to know. Over the last 3 years, these questions and answers have evolved, mainly influenced by client interactions within Moshier’s practice.
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Work Wisely with an Eye on the Future

A few years ago, my bad back ended my ability to get under horses. I still help other farriers shoe horses, but I don’t get under them anymore. My back was not injured from horses. It was ruined by crawling in and out of trucks to get what I needed — from having an inefficient rig. I hurt myself more by lifting anvils than I ever did picking up a horse’s foot. When you’re short as I am, you have to get it way above belt level to get it back into the truck.
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